
Helping you to bring your concepts and ideas to life.

What is a good boss~??

  1. A boss who never asked for respects from his/her employees, but he/she gains it from them.
  2. A boss who never forced his/her staff to greet him/her every time he/she walks into office.
  3. A boss who understands what the responsibilities of his/her staff by assigning the right tasks to the right personnel. (Can u ask a plumber to fix wiring at ur house? U’re not that fool right?)
  4. A boss who does not use words like: ‘I don’t care!!’ whenever he/she likes.
  5. A boss who does good plan in running his/her business, and not totally depending on his/her staff to get his/her asses cleared just like that.
  6. A boss who is having high respects for his/her staff, even to a tea lady.
  7. A boss who does not bring his/her mood into the office. Laugh with all employees whenever he/she wants, moody with all staff whenever he/she likes.
  8. A boss who does not ask his/her designer to develop content for him/her. Because he/she knows that content development comes from the owner of the business, he/she shouldn’t have asked the designer to develop content for the business. Designers’ work is to design, content development is the work of a copywriter.
  9. A boss who does not allow his/her staff to wear jeans in office but the boss does it.
  10. A boss who drives a quality car and not a typical car that even a clerk can posses.

    *just a thought~!